Quick: What sounds more fun?
Filling in spreadsheets with data for eight hours or coming up with new and
exciting ideas?

While a lot
of these may be true, there are also some tips and tricks almost anyone can
adopt to keep your innovation muscles strong and ready to go. And like any
muscle group, the more you practice it, the stronger, better, and more
unstoppable it becomes. Here are 10 things you can do on the job to make it
easier to be more innovative every single day.
Start conducting stand-up meetings
Your entire
energy changes when you're standing.
Unsurprisingly, the entire energy of a
meeting does, too. Convert one of your meetings to a standing one and watch the
momentum, enthusiasm, and action soar. They'll move faster and be more
action-orientated and more likely to motivate your team. Need help convincing
your boss? Throw this article on
the benefits his or her way.
Surround yourself with inspiration
you see something from the big wide world that captures your attention, put it
on display. It can be any discovery: an awesome ad in a magazine, an unusually
arranged menu, or even a well-written email that made you laugh. The more
provocative, the better! If you have space on a wall near you, eke out a spot
where you can display everything. Or, if you work in an open office where wall
space is at a minimum, do it virtually on Pinterest.
Get a buddy
rarely happens in a vacuum. Pick a colleague you feel comfortable with with and
make yourselves accountable to each other. Encourage him or her to keep trying
new things, whether it's trying a new place for lunch, pitching an idea in an
unorthodox manner, sharing articles that inspire, or just doing some
old-fashioned brainstorming. It's better — and easier — together.
Pick small projects
We often
think that ideas must always be big, transformative, and game-changing. But often,
it's lots of small, novel things that add up to make a huge difference. The
benefits to small-scale innovation are huge. Not only do they happen quickly
and (most often) without a lot of fuss, they also garner the interest and
attention of both your team and organization; thus paving the way for bigger,
meatier innovation projects to follow. Try changing lots of small things, like
how you sign off your emails, how you reward yourself for good work, or how you
kick off meetings.
Flip your assumptions
We all have
things we do with our eyes shut. It's part of what makes us excel at our jobs,
but also part of what blinds us to opportunities. Over the course of the day,
identify all the tasks you do without thinking. Take a moment to talk about how
you could do them differently. Sometimes it won't work (spell check might
always be the best way to proofread your work). However, it will often lead you
to find a new way of doing the same old thing.
Bring it to life
talking and start building! Put your thoughts into words, your words into
pictures, and your pictures into prototypes. When people can see your idea,
they're less likely to forget it and much more likely to take it seriously and
become involved in its development and bullet-proofing. Even a bad drawing is
better than no drawing.
Ban things
Though it
may sound counterintuitive, having constraints and parameters actually inspire
innovation by forcing you to think dynamically and creatively. As an exercise,
start banning things and exploring the implications. Ban words, ban resources,
ban your primary target market, ban your default communication tools, and watch
your creativity take off. Often, the ideas you settle on will likely be watered
down versions of your initial suggestions, but the point of this exercise is to
spark new thoughts on how to do the same old things.
Get out of the office
Make a
habit of stepping outside even if it's just to walk around the block. As you
stroll, make a point to notice things. If you need some discipline on your
inspiration hunt, make a game of it and deliberately hunt for things that begin
with the letter A on the first day, B the second, and so on. Your mind will
start connecting dots between what you see and the problems you left back at
the office. That's the beauty of our subconscious.
Fuel up on creativity
For too
many of us, checking our phone is the first thing we do each day. Feed your
mind with creativity instead of diving into the email deluge (that can wait).
Pick your favorite song,podcast, or blog to kick-start the morning. Whatever it is,
make sure it fuels your imagination. You'll be amazed how much it will inspire
your attitude and creativity throughout the day.
Ask yourself "What would my hero do?"
When you're
stumped with a problem you can't make any headway on, call in the big guns.
Keep a list near your desk of some of your favorite creative forces. Then, when
a problem strikes, consult your list and ask yourself what they might do to
solve it. Considering how Willy Wonka would solve a packaging challenge, how
Coco Chanel would tackle a communications issue, and how Salvador Dali would
take on streamlining a supply chain can be very enlightening.
tricks may seem trivial, but together they force you to see the world in a new
way. And that's what innovation is all about — seeing opportunity where no one
else can. The more you practice these, the more easily it will become your
default way of thinking — and the more innovation will become part of your
daily work.
As a final
thought, remember that committing to innovation is a brave thing to do. Your
actions will likely inspire others on your team to join. There will be days
when it feels like too much to take on, but drum up your inner warrior and keep
going. And remember that persistence beats resistance.
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